The Driver's Bible
Personal and commercial driving is important and going for it presents a major challenge to the population of Cameroon because of the accidents that occur daily. Yet, the need for driving increases daily. Besides, a driving school without good teaching materials is like boiling a pot of beans with a candle. As such, there is urgent need of such a book like this to impact, teach and solve all the problems of driving and road accidents, to enable everybody to use the road with a car and enhance poverty alleviation hence improve the economy of Cameroon.
Safety is the state of being safe and protected from danger or harm (accident). The result of the neglect of safety has caused hundreds of thousands to loss their lives and others handicapped. It is therefore very important that before being a driver, the issue of safety and accidents prevention must be sought.
Always put on the safety belt.
Do not answer a phone call when driving.
If you drink don’t drive.
Do not drive when angry.
Do not drive when feeling very tired.
Look left and right before crossing the road.
Never say it is my right.
Don’t send your head outside when the car is moving.
Consider the driver in front of you as a mad man.
Let’s see how much of the Highway Code you can remember. Don’t reach for the answer until you have tried to answer the following questions: –
What is the difference between a circular sign and one shaped like a triangle?
What are the four different coloured sets of studs on motorways for, and where are they?
Can you identify them and can you answer the questions regarding motorway driving?
That has probably given you considerable food for thought on just those few situations.
As I have said KNOWLEDGE of the rules of the road is one of the qualities needed to be a good driver. We have just looked at the tip of the iceberg and I mean the very tip.
Answers are found at end of this book.
Contact mo4 Driving School for complete book !!!!
Training Videos
Garage lesson part 1
Garage lesson
part 2
Garage lesson
part 3
Garage lesson
part 4
Parallel Parking
Pictures Speak Louder than Words